Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A fun day on Newschannel 19 This Morning. Most everyone has heard of the musical "Cats" which is in town today and tomorrow. We had a little contest and one of our lucky viewers, Russell Stephens, won the opportunity to join me and two of the cast members as they turned us into cats. Russell also won two tickets to the musical and I'm not sure which had him more excited.

This is Russell, a senior at Huntsville High School, as he is undergoing the process of becoming Pouncival, a playful tom kitten. Russell wants to go to college to study theater so this was like a dream come true for him.
I wasn't planning on becoming a character in "Cats", I figured I was already too much of a character, but Ryan and A.J., the two cast members and make-up artists convinced me I needed to represent the older members of our audience. Thus, I became Asparagus (Gus), the theatre cat.
The make-up takes between 15 and 30 minutes to apply in normal time and each character applies their own. It is quite remarkable how the change transpires and as you can see, the finished product is just fantastic. "Cats" starts this evening at the VBC and also has two shows tomorrow. It is a remarkable musical, go see it.


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